Alfredo da Rocha Viana, Jr. , better known as Pixinguinha, composer, arranger, flautist and saxophonist was considered one of the greatest Brazilian composers of popular music, particularly within the genre of music known as choro. Hamilton de Holanda recognizes that Pixinguinha's musical universe serves as a bridge between the worlds of choro and jazz. It is a universe filled with friends and music whose reverent respect for Pixinguinha's art continues in the decades since he left us. The choice of material here was random; no attempt was made to create a definitive portrait of the vast work of the master. It was recorded on a variety of instruments and in different environments, studios, and countries. His humanity and generosity left a mark on all who knew him; our world would be a smaller place without his music. Here, then, is our sincere look at the World of Pixinguinha.