The Red-Hot Book of Spanish Slang: 5,000 Expressions to Spice Up Your Spainsh
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What They Didn't Teach You in French Class: Slang Phrases for the Cafe, Club, Bar, Bedroom, Ball Game and More (Dirty Everyday Slang)
What They Didn't Teach You in German Class: Slang Phrases for the Cafe, Club, Bar, Bedroom, Ball Game and More (Dirty Everyday Slang)
3,000 Spanish Words and Phrases They Won't Teach You in School
What They Didn't Teach You in Italian Class: Slang Phrases for the Cafe, Club, Bar, Bedroom, Ball Game and More (Dirty Everyday Slang)
Mexislang: The key to understanding what the hell your mexican friends are saying.
Practice Makes Perfect: Spanish Verb Tenses, Premium Fourth Edition
Comparative Grammar of Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and French: Learn & Compare 4 Languages Simultaneously
What They Didn't Teach You in Russian Class: Slang Phrases for the Cafe, Club, Bar, Bedroom, Ball Game and More (Dirty Everyday Slang)