Major and Minor Scales (relative scales are on facing pages for easy reference
{ages are arranged starting with scales (or harmonic scales), then cadence patterns, lastly arpeggios
Melodic Minor scales relative to Major scales
Circle of 5ths with sharps arranged from top moving clockwise and flat arranged from top moving counterclockwise with enharmonic keys noted
Chord Dictionary in Major, Minor, Diminished, Augmented and Dominant Seventh (C, C sharp (or D flat), D, E flat, E, F, F sharp (or G flat), G, A flat, A, B flat, B (or C flat)
Each major scale (one and two octaves) I IV I V I patterns in different positions, and the two-octave arpeggios are written out on one page, with relative harmonic minor equivalents on the facing page. The melodic minor scales, circle of 5ths, and a chord dictionary are also given.