After she inadvertently discovers that the government has been maintaining contact with an alien race, twenty-four-year-old Chloe Jergens ends up being carried off by three huge, handsome aliens who intend to take her as their mate.
Though the aliens quickly prove more gentlemanly than she might have expected, they make it very clear that disobedience will earn her a thorough, humiliating spanking. But when Chloe decides to explore a dangerous planet on her own in an act of petulant defiance, will being punished and then claimed by all three of her mates at once be enough to teach her to submit?
Publisher's Note:Their Naughty Human includes spankings and sexual scenes. If such material offends you, please don't buy this book. Also note that this book was previously published under the title Claiming Chloe as part of a multi-author collection entitled Bound, Spanked and Loved: Fourteen Kinky Valentine's Day Stories.