The Simplest, Shortest, Most Powerful MLM and Network Marketing Prospect Control and Closing Lines and Scripts
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The Simplest, Shortest, Most Powerful MLM and Network Marketing Prospect Control and Closing Lines and Scripts
Do you have trouble closing prospects? Do you feel you lose control of your prospecting and follow up calls? Do you have trouble closing strong prospects - the very ones you desperately want on your team?
Well, this book is for you. It's the lowest price but highest value book on Amazon. Why? Because this little book contains over 120 of the strongest, easiest, subtlest closing and 'keeping control' and 'taking control' over the conversation lines for network marketers.
FULL DISCLOSURE: This is a short book. This book has over 150 'lines'; mostly one line sentences. But don't be fooled by the size of the book. These are powerful closing lines to allow you to close your prospect. This is NOT a book on prospecting, recruiting or even a script book.
This is a book that should be open at your desk as you make your prospecting and follow up calls. If you find you prospect off their script (they never stay on script - only you can do that), these lines will bring you back into control.
They are subtle, but powerful. Here's some samples:
How much does it cost?
Millions of dollars not to get involved
Can you see yourself taking people through a process just like I did with you?
You can't outsource your learning
The table's set
This is thick
I'm not claiming we have an automatic system, I'm demonstrating it
Get into the game with us
Let me layout how the business will start for you
This is just a process to see if there a fit for you
This is not a pressure gig
It's just the way we do this (process)
There's no glory in paying bills
I promise I'm not going to push you, chase you or sell you
I'm not going to come back to close you, but to personalize the business for you
NOTE: with very little modification, you can use many of these lines as ad headers, email subject lines, or as smart and directed text in emails or create new phone scripts or reinvigorate old ones.
Now, you don't have to memorize these lines, you just need to have your Kindle reader, iPad or even your Kindle for PC open, (or you can print out the pages), when you are making your calls. If you lose control of a conversation, or have a strong person on the line (the best kind to recruit), these 'lines' are the arrows in your quiver.
Make these lines your own. They have been collected by professionals and have earned those who have used them millions of dollars, no exaggerating, millions of dollars. Now for .99 cents they are yours.
This book of powerful network marketing closing and control lines provides you with the easiest way to sound strong on the phone. You just need to use them. You need to sound strong. Your prospect will never know what hit them until you are training them, and tell them to pick up this little book.
If they won't spend .99 cents, to get a copy, they aren't worth your time. If they ask you to make them a copy instead, they have just told you they are not worth your time. You now own this book, make these lines your own, become powerful and rich.