Now more than ever THE MATHEMATICS CALENDAR reminds us how mathematics describes nature, impacts the sciences, is essential to architecture, influences the arts, is inseparable from music, exercises and tantalizes the mind with its puzzles and problems, stimulates and creates new technologies, and reveals the multi-dimensions of our world and universe through its ever evolving ideas and insights.
In mathematical circles is THE MATHEMATICS CALENDAR has reached cult status.
34 years after its inception THE MATHEMATICS CALENDAR continues to awe its audience with its cutting edge math topics, its all new exciting graphics and mind-boggling problems. This calendar continues to be a hit with teachers, students, engineers, math buffs, puzzle lovers, and gift buyers.
The 2014 MATHEMATICS CALENDAR includes twelve new fascinating math topics illustrating the incredible influence of mathematics on our lives.
EACH DAY OF EVERY MONTH HAS A PROBLEM, WHOSE SOLUTION IS THE DATE. The brain teaser lies in figuring how to arrive at the answer, and possibly discovering more than one method of solving the date's problem. For each month, the problems range from arithmetic to calculus.
EACH MONTH'S TEXT, PHOTOS and GRAPHICS have a wealth of information and are even sprinkled with a bit of humor. The twelve topics feature exciting, historic and current math ideas and topics.
Wherever it is seen, it’s a conversation item because it is more than a calendar— it has tantalizing problems on each day and a treasure trove of information, games, puzzles and stories. It stimulates curiosity and imagination. THERE'S IS NOTHING LIKE IT ON THE MARKET. It is uniquely designed, so that the answer to each day’s problem is the date where the problem appears. Theoni Pappas is committed to demystifying mathematics. The MATHEMATICS CALENDAR has given thousands of people a new perspective about math —it can be fun, fascinating & intriguing.