The MastersTM Saga captures the era and brings to life the iconic mecha of the AJAX, Hover Tank, Logan and Bioroids as well as breathes new power and information into the Army of the Southern Cross (ASC). Includes never before revealed designs and seldom seen art and info for ASC Battloids, power armor, vehicles and weapons. More data about Earth's fighting forces and the invading Robotech Masters. This sourcebook will send fans clamoring to buy it and begging for more.
The Army of the Southern CrossTM - Earth's defenders.
Hover Tanks, AJAX, Logan and ASC Battloids.
Never before seen ASC power armor and weapons.
The Robotech Masters, Bioroids, spaceships and weapons.
Other vehicles, weapons and equipment.
Manga size for easy portability (5x7½ inches).