PAL0550 Robotech The Shadow Chronicles Role Playing Game by Palladium Books
The role-playing game will pick up where the DVD movie begins. The return of the Robotech Expeditionary Force, the separation of Rick Hunter and the SDF-3 from the rest of the fleet, and everything else that is part of the universe of Robotech+ The Shadow Chronicles.
- Written by Robotech RPG creator Kevin Siembieda. - Cover by veteran artist Apollo Okamura. - Packed with detailed illustrations throughout. - Comprehensive character, mecha, spacecraft, and vessel statistics and images. - Mecha pilots and other fleet personnel Occupational Character Classes (O.C.C.). - Additional background information and detail as space permits. - Fast-playing RPG rules. Mega-Damage setting. - Printed in popular manga size for easy portability. - 336 pages.