Instant Relief: Tell Me Where It Hurts and I'll Tell You What to Do
Hab It: Pelvic Floor
Restoring The Pelvic Floor: How Kegel Exercises, Vaginal Training, And Relaxation, Solve Incontinence, Constipation, And Heal Pelvic Pain To Avoid Surgery
The Bathroom Key: Put an End to Incontinence
Beyond Kegels: Fourth Edition
Chasing Cupcakes: How One Broke, Fat Girl Transformed Her Life (and How You Can, Too)
End Everyday Pain for 50+: A 10-Minute-a-Day Program of Stretching, Strengthening and Movement to Break the Grip of Pain
Core Strength for 50+: A Customized Program for Safely Toning Ab, Back, and Oblique Muscles
The Women's Health Big Book of Exercises: Four Weeks to a Leaner, Sexier, Healthier You!