They make mealtime conversations fun easy and engaging.|After-meal clean-up is a breeze — simply re-use clean placemats or recycle the messy ones.|Take them along to your favorite restaurant — fun conversations on the go; plus flip the mat for tons of space for doodling and coloring.
New! Paper placemats from TableTopics. With more than 2 million copies sold, TableTopics are the #1 best-selling conversation starters. Our paper placemats give families a simple way to create great mealtime conversations. Each pad holds 24 paper placemats in 8 fun designs with 6 conversation starter questions on each mat. Recycled content, soy based ink, designed and printed in the USA. Spark fun, engaging conversations at mealtime. For Families with children, ages 8+. Sample questions: How did your parents meet?, Which toy have you outgrown but still love? What are you most proud of that you've done this year?