Written by industry experts Bernard Klaene and Russell Sanders, and developed in partnership with the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), the Second Edition of Structural Firefighting: Strategy and Tactics will provide both fire officers and professionals in training with the tools they need to become skilled incident commanders. Loaded with new content and features, this new edition guides readers through all phases of strategic and tactical planning so they can manage any incident, regardless of its complexity. The Second Edition includes: new chapter reorganization with scores of subject matter updates, including a thorough discussion of the National Incident Management System (NIMS); a correlation guide to the Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education (FESHE) Strategy and Tactics model course; 2-color interior with improved illustrations; a companion website complete with chapter pre-tests, interactivities, an online glossary, and instructor resources. Rely upon Structural Firefighting: Strategy and Tactics to get the comprehensive know-how needed to handle any fireground incident.