Kollywood superstar Chandrakanth, also known as CK, is a true-blue Scorpio, communicating with his eyes and believing in showing more than telling.
His website and social media consultant Ranjini is a Piscean through and through, fiercely independent.
It is love at first glance for Chandrakanth when he meets Ranjini; so strong are his feelings that he proposes marriage on their second meeting. Ranjini, fascinated by his starry persona, gets swept off her feet. The two get married without much of the world knowing—including CK's aunt and his ex.
The two women set out to settle their scores on Ranjini who suddenly begins to feel a strain in what was a fairy tale wedding.
While passion reigns on the one hand, there’s trouble in paradise on the other. Although CK is by her side, the Scorpio in him expects her to trust him implicitly. But can the Pisces in Ranjini accept him at his word?
Does the tension then get to their relationship? Can love survive without affirmations? Or is declaration the only way to profess one's love?