Hogs have a complex hierarchical social structure that begins as young as one week old. A hog's sense of smell is among the strongest of all animals. They can smell odors 5-7 miles away and up to 25 feet underground. Needless to say, odors play a huge role in their lives and their social structure. Hogs seek out strong and dominating odors. They wallow in these strong smells to help advance their social standing. After nine independent scientific studies across three continents, Pig Oil has emerged as the most powerful hog attractant known to man. It is so strong, that hogs can smell just a few molecules of Pig Oil in over a billion molecules of air. It is simple to attract hogs, just pour Pig Oil on a tree or rubbing post near your blind or stand and attract hogs for miles. Also great as a trap lure, Pig Oil will keep hogs coming week after week. Hogs will come to rub on the application site night after night. They just can't resist the smell.