Pain Free At Sea-Posture Long & Short Foam Roll/Towel to place under the NECK & LOW BACK to RELAX & REDUCE TENSION, PAIN-Regain the Natural Curvature of the Spine+ Balance & Function of the Pelvis
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Pain Free At Sea-Posture Long & Short Foam Roll/Towel to place under the NECK & LOW BACK to RELAX & REDUCE TENSION, PAIN-Regain the Natural Curvature of the Spine+ Balance & Function of the Pelvis
Used for ALL Posture Method Exercises, Pain Free At Sea Therapy, Posture Therapy and Posture and Alignment, all Corrective active and passive movements to realign the spine and the joints to become pain free.
The rolls are used in pairs: one shorter 8" long specific for the neck and one longer 14" long for the low back, they are sold together. They help promote extension and flexion of the pelvis and neck.
Both rolls are is 3.5” in Diameter. The Long Roll is 14' and the Short Roll 8” long in size. The Short Roll is a NEW length designed for the neck. The density of the rolls is the IDEAL hardness needed for the purpose of resting the neck and the lower back on them.. Comes with a removable zipper
The SHORT ROLL/TOWEL is made to be placed under the neck, to help keep the head in a better position between the shoulders and return the neck’s natural curve/arch, when the rounding upper back doesn’t allow the head to reach or touch the floor when lying flat on the back. Supports the head. The LONG ROLL/TOWEL is made to be placed under the low back, to help keep the pelvis in a better position. Both benefit and give support to the low back and neck when driving or sitting in an airplane or car
The cover is made of a Water-Resistant polyester with a pvc coating, long-lasting and lightweight.