Mixed stainless steel shot includes balls, diagonals, and pins.
Perfect for using in a rotary or vibratory tumbler to polish copper, silver, and gold jewelry to a high shine.
Net weight 2 lb (0.91 KG)
Made of Grade 304 stainless steel so it is rust and corrosion resistant and can withstand strong compounds
Mixed stainless steel shot includes balls, diagonals, and pins made of Grade 304 stainless steel which has slight magnetism! Perfect for reaching every little crevice in your metal. Will bring out the highest shine. Also, any scratches or scuffs that are significant will be enhanced by the shot, not to be used in place of sanding! This media requires only occasional cleaning and is perfect specifically for applications where good rust and corrosion resistance is important. Net weight 2 lb (0.91 KG)