"Mission Kudzu" is an action adventure story of a sniper engaging in a government sponsored assassination. Because of Jacques Boudreaux's skills and jungle experience, the agency is willing to use whatever trickery that is necessary to get Boudreaux to accept this mission. He is played by the agency from the beginning by being coaxed into passing along his skills to an old acquaintance. He is then persuaded to go into the meat grinder one more time for his country. The leaders of the agency understand that once the mission is completed, Boudreaux would become a liability. The assassination attempt on him fails. Now, Boudreaux's sole purpose in life is to kill his puppeteers. The simple Cajun now engages the infinitely funded, highly technical agency and the sniper that he trained. For the shooter, hunter, survivalist, and military readers; the story expects the reader to know the basics of the sniper art. Unlike "The Cajun Sniper" which goes over basic long range marksmanship and detailed sniper set up techniques, "Mission Kudzu" gives examples of advance sniper techniques such as mission planning, using geographical features while traveling to a hide, being unpredictable, misdirecting your enemy, and sniper outsmarting sniper.