Cotton mice found doing the dead man’s float in the water dish...5 AM wake-up calls...a “no-closed doors†policy...the cat declares a holy war when put on a diet.
Lessons In Stalking homes in on the wildly different responses the author and her long-suffering spouse have to a life shared with cats. In no other cat book will you find such riveting accounts as:
The Great Cat Butt Wiping Adventure Jingle Ball Horrors The Creature Under the Fridge Yoga Cat The Big Brown Mouse & Other Toys Our Cat Loathes
Lessons In Stalking is the purr-fect gift for cat lovers!
Dena Harris has been a humor columnist for Cats & Kittens magazine and contributor to Chicken Soup for the Cat Lover's Soul. Her newest book, "Who Moved My Mouse? A Self-Help Book for Cats (Who Don't Need Any Help)" is being translated into 5 languages. Visit or for more info.