Puzzles so good that they've earned the seal of approval from the National Association for Visually Handicapped. Now, crossword lovers with less than perfect sight can enjoy their favorite pastime without the frustration of trying to read miniature clues and fill in tiny boxes. Each of these puzzles--125 in each book--takes up two full pages, and have large type and generously sized grids with easy-to-see numbering. It's a challenge for the brain, not the eyes, allowing solvers to focus on doing the puzzle, not trying to discern the words. And, of course, the well-constructed crosswords cover a diverse range of topics, avoid crosswordese, and provide hours of fun. ABOUT THE NAVH: The National Association for Visually Handicapped is the only national health agency devoted solely to the hard of seeing. It's dedicated to the ideal that visual impairment need not lessen one's quality of life. The organization pioneered the development of an accepted standard for large print, and offers education, equipment, and 24-hour assistance to those with limited vision.