Inspired Children by Olive M. Jones is a very inspiring book. The book was originally written by Olive M. Jones and Tuchy Palmieri republished Inspired Children. It is an inspiring book that I would have never had the chance to read if Tuchy Palmieri had not republished it. The book is about teaching children about God. The book tells the true story of several children that were part of the Oxford Group Movement. Inspired Children tells about how these children were taught about God and religion. The book tells the story of how the children reacted to learning about God. It is written well and creates a feeling in the reader of how the children must have felt to discover God. The book shows what it's like to learn about God as an innocent child. Inspired Children teaches lessons about God and how to relate God to our daily lives. These are lessons that are great for children; however, these lessons are important for everyone to learn. The book also teaches that during quiet time one should engage in prayer. Engaging in prayer will create a relationship between you and God. The book is very interesting and inspiring. I recommend Inspired Children to anyone who needs a little inspiration in their lives.