How to Master the USMLE Step 1: Askdoc's Method of USMLE Prep will show you ....
... how an old grad like me, 16 years out of medical school and who has not opened or read a basic medical science textbook or taken an exam for years was able to ace the USMLE Step 1 with a score of 99/256 by using proven and effective study methods that increase your ability to memorize, retain and recall information faster
... how to create a study plan for the USMLE that will eliminate the guesswork and mistakes from your prep and ensure you will prep correctly and efficiently from the start without wasting time and knowing for certain that you will do well in the exam.
.... how hundreds of people since 2009, some having failed multiple times before, who have enrolled in my prep course have used my method to pass this exam and even ace it.
When you buy How to Master the USMLE Step 1 and follow all the principles and study methods described in this book, be confident that you are studying in the most efficient and effective way possible to get a good score in the USMLE Step 1.
Do it Once. Do it Right. Get it Over With. Master the USMLE Step 1.