Based on the life of a real pet rabbit, Hershey begins his tale as he arrives at his new home, newly adopted from a shelter. He soon meets the other pet rabbits as well as some other unusual and interesting creatures, and quickly learns how to secretly explore the large house that he lives in. Eventually, he and his new faithful accomplice, Pepper the rabbit, manage to knock down a Christmas tree, spill syrup all over the pantry and invade a closet full of their owners' shoes, mistakenly overturning a container of baby powder. Their human owners don't suspect a thing - or do they? The two rabbits, not satisfied with exploring the house, soon figure out how to escape into the outdoors for a brief afternoon adventure. The back yard proves to be exciting but also dangerous when they linger outside a bit too long. Will they be able to make their way back home? How? Who will help them?