Experience the adventures of Frederic the Great, a scrawny rescue rabbit with a huge enthusiasm for life!Â
 Did you know that rabbits are the third most popular domestic pet in the United States? They're also the third most discarded, surrendered to animal shelters all over the country, or simply "dropped off " somewhere.
Fortunately, not every unwanted bunny's story ends in tragedy. Meet Frederic the Great, a scrawny Californian mix with a huge enthusiasm for life! Fred was rescued from a neglectful situation in New Jersey, and wound up at Great Lakes Rabbit Sanctuary in rural Willis, Michigan. That's where we met, and this story begins.
Frederic's a lot like your typical teenager-excitable, eager, anxious, bursting with curiosity and a fair amount of attitude. For the past year, he's written a public blog, chronicling his transformation from "castoff" to "king of the castle". Those entries (along with a few comments from Mom ) form the basis of this delightful tale. A book like no other, written by and about a bunny like no other.