Promises Grandchildren Love to Hear--and Grandmothers Love to Keep.
One of the richest, most precious relationships a child has is with his or her grandmother. Kids know that grandmas are fun, they give the best hugs, and they make yummy treats! And now, Grandmother's Book of Promises gives boys and girls even more exciting reasons to look forward to special times with Grandma!
Best of all, this beautiful, rhyming gift book gives you countless chances to articulate the promises grandmothers make in their hearts but often don't find opportunities to express to the grandchildren they adore -- esteem-building promises like "I will always love you" and "I'll be your biggest fan!"
Nurture and celebrate your relationship with your beloved grandchild as together you read and re-read -- then joyfully live out -- a devoted grandma rabbit's fun-filled, love-inspired book of promises.