Produced by Alan Parsons (The Beatles Abbey Road and Pink Floyd s Dark Side of The Moon ), ukulele phenom & Youtube sensation, Jake Shimabukuro s new LP fuses a multitude of genres (Billboard) which can be heard on album highlight, Island Fever Blues, which merges classical & blues over a fast-paced flamenco beat. Elsewhere on the album, Jake tackles the playing style of the mandolin ( Gentlemandolin ), rockabilly ( More Ukulele ) and surf rock ( Ukulele Five 0 ), and even transforms his instrument to mimic the intricate melody of a music box ( Music Box ). Grand Ukulele also features covers of Adele s Rolling In the Deep, Sting s Fields of Gold and the Judy Garland classic Over the Rainbow.
"Jake is taking the instrument to a place that I can't see anybody else catching up with him..." - Eddie Vedder, Rolling Stone article