***WARNING! Please make sure you purchase CapSanta caps from MyCapSanta and not from others! They are selling a fake low quality knockoff of our patented product without our consent! In addition,100% profits from MyCapSanta sales go directly to St. Jude Children's Hospital. Others are not supporting St. Jude in any way. Amazon is looking into fixing this hack. In the meantime, please shop carefully. Thank you.*** Thank you for your interest in CapSanta. This festive Santa cap can be the perfect addition to your holiday celebration. CapSanta was created to spread holiday cheer and to help those in need. Every cap sold raises funds for St. Jude Children's Hospital. In 2016, CapSanta donated $10,000 dollars to the charity. Last year (2017) we raised $20,000 dollars for St. Jude Children's Hospital! Your purchase and support helped us to reach that goal. CapSanta wishes you a most wonderful Holiday and New Year!