This spectacular new book and compact disc set by three of the best educators in the field today contains everything you need to play the recorder.
- Compact disc covers all the basics: tone quality, intonation, tempo, melody, rhythm, style of articulation and phrasing, and expressive nuance. - Enhanced CD content helps with music reading and writing skills. - Live musicians provide authentic accompaniments in classic and contemporary styles. - Song repertoire surveys musical styles of the world: Music of the Americas includes U.S. folk, jazz, country western, bluegrass, honky-tonk, spiritual, blues, gospel, rock-and-roll, jazz waltz, country swing, jazz ballad, Mexican folk, and reggae. Music of other times includes 12th-century conductus, 15th-century Dance of the Boufons, 16th-century French branle, 18th- and 19th-century folk songs and dances, 1940s and 50s jazz, blues, and rock-and-roll. Music of the world includes folk songs and dances of England, Ireland, Scotland, France, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Scandinavia, Israel, the Netherlands, Mexico, and Russia. - There are lots of helpful photos. - Discover improvisation! Explore call-and-response techniques and other styles of improvisation. - The book includes the "You Can Look It Up" music dictionary. - The individualized format lets students progress at their own pace. - Theme and variation format allows easy and challenging versions of material to be performed simultaneously; special projects allow students to set individual goals. - Teacher's Resource Edition with extended accompaniments, extensive cross-referencing indexes, and resources for teaching to the National Standards for Music.