Darkness at Noon is the chilling, powerful tale of a Soviet revolutionary who falls foul of the regime to which he has dedicated his life. Published in Great Britain in 1940, it alerted the West to the ugly reality of Stalin’s regime. It was feted by George Orwell, went on to be translated into thirty languages and to this day is considered the finest work of pre-eminent European master, Arthur Koestler.
And yet the novel's worldwide reputation has for over seventy years been based on the first incomplete and inexpert English translation, as Koestler's original manuscript was lost when the author fled the German occupation of Paris in 1940.
In 2016, a student discovered that long-lost manuscript in a Zurich archive. At last, with the publication of this new translation based on the rediscovered original, Koestler's masterpiece can be experienced afresh and in its entirety for the first time.