It is 15,000 years ago, at the end of the last Ice Age, when young Laena and her sister survive a tragedy that leaves their parents dead and marks their lives forever. In a world where mammoths roam, where nature's most fearful forces rage, and where fellow humans can pose a deadly threat, Laena relies on her incredible courage, strength, and intelligence to endure. This is Laena's story...the story of her seer-like visions of a world beyond that shapes her into a tribal leader in a society of arrogant men...the story of Laena's triumph as the Chosen One, only to be cast out into the wilderness with her husband and child. This epic saga of adventure, passion, and suspense follows the extraordinary Laena and her family on a great journey that take them from the vast Siberian tundra and the freezing darkness of the prehistoric past to the fiery dawn of breathtaking discovery - a new world, a new age, and a new dream of happiness...