Description of the Deliverance Ministry Casting out Devils, Vol. 1 Deliverance is needed in the Christian Church. There is an alarming onslaught of deceiving spirits attacking the Church of Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul reveals these special manifestations of evil spirits through prophecies that point to the deception of Christian believers in the latter times. These deceptions are showing up in the supernatural realms. Many are following teaching ministers that are sending forth an army of teaching spirits that are leading people away from their biblically based spiritual knowledge of Jesus Christ. The clash between Satan and Jesus Son of God in the first Gospel is an ongoing one. Satan is characterized as "the strong man" and Jesus, the Son of God, in that He casts out demons by the Holy Spirit and brings people into the sphere of God's reign as the one who "binds" Satan and "plunders his goods," (Matt. 12; 28-29 cf. also 8:39). Conversely, Satan and those who do his bidding are depicted as “doing violence to the kingdom of heaven as plundering it,†(Matt. 11:12). A case in point, is Satan's enlistment of Peter in an effort to put Jesus at cross-purposes with his Father and to turn him away from the path that leads to the cross, (Matt. 16:21-23). It is precisely to fend off onslaughts of Satan such as this that Jesus teaches his disciples to pray "And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one," or (from evil), (Matt. 6:13). On another level, Satan also exercises his malevolent will against Jesus through the Israelite crowds, (Matt. 11:16; 12:29, 16: 4), and their leaders', (Matt. 16:1; 19:2; 22:18. 35; 23, 15); who asks Jesus for a sign or who tempt Him, not the least while he is hanging on the cross, (Matt. 27:39-42). Indeed through a parable of Jesus, Matthew makes the programmatic observation that Satan is the personal "enemy" of Jesus Messiah, who has usurped in Israel the allegiance that is due Jesus alone, (Matt. 13:24-30). Nevertheless, as the story of the temptation at the beginning of the Gospel adumbrates, the repeated attacks of Satan are not sufficient to induce Jesus to divest himself of His divine Son ship and to bring Him from his mission, (Matt. 16:21). There is an alarming onslaught of deceiving spirits attacking the Church of Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul reveals these special manifestations of evil spirits through prophecies that point to the deception of Christian believers in the latter times. These deceptions are showing up in the supernatural realms. Many are following teaching ministers that are sending forth an army of teaching spirits that are leading people away from their biblically based spiritual knowledge of Jesus Christ. Nevertheless, spiritual blindness and through lack of knowledge, many are not able to carry out a full war against this army of wicked spirits. Many are shrinking from the subject of demons and call the war against them not credible. They believe that if Jesus Christ is preached, it is not necessary to give attention to the existence of the devil. They think that they can ignore him.