Foster has written C By Discovery 2/e with the students in mind. He believes that much of what is taught about any given language only becomes meaningful when the students use or 'do' something with the information. As a means toward that end, "Learning Activities" have been interspersed throughout the book providing a means for students to think and experiment with a concept or an example program. At the end of each chapter there are Exercises and Programming Problems and to help students make more effective use of their time, the source code for the programs in the text are provided on the accompaning floppy disk. This enables students to move immediately to actively learning, instead of having to spend time typing the programs. This in mind, Foster has created a text that is programming is a game of both concepts and detail, ultimate understanding of code comes from closely examining the details. Through the use of Notes in the example programs, the student is directed immediately to the new concepts in the code and the accompanying explanation. Other learning aids included in this book are the Closer Look sections that take a more indepth look at some of the key topics and common programming pitfalls with the C language are presented in A Word of Warning.