UriZyme is scientifically formulated for use in areas where organic soiling, build-up, and associated odors reside. UriZyme is formulated with selectively adapted Bacillus organisms. These state-of-the-art organisms have been specially designed to provide maximum breakdown and removal of organic substances (Urine, Vomit, Feces, etc) and odors without the use of dangerous bleaches, harsh acids, or corrosive chemicals of the past.
UriZyme features BioLogix’s exclusive Odor Suppression Technology (OST ) prevents organic materials (from vaporizing and) giving off odors. UriZyme’s bacterial enzymes then attack and destroy the odor at its source – permanently!
Saves money by extending the useful life of durable medical equipment. Earth-friendly, all natural, non-toxic, biodegradable.The Ultimate dignity product!