The most comprehensive book ever written on how to succeed on the California Essay Examination. Learn the secrets to passing the Bar Exam from a BARBRI professor, author, and past Bar Exam grader. Now used in some BARBRI Essay Advantage Bar Review courses. The Bar Breaker is a revolutionary guide that represents a nearly decade of research in exam taking strategies and learning technologies. The Bar Breaker contains: Over 100 past Bar Exam questions and answers. Full analysis of answers, with model answers using time allocation techniques and the Exam Evaluator feedback system. 10 strategies of successful Bar Exam writing. Includes: Torts, Community Property, Evidence, Criminal Law and Procedure, Constitutional Law, Contracts, Real Property, Civil Procedure, Corporations, Wills & Trusts, Professional Responsibility, Remedies and Agency & Partnership. Six Steps of Exam Taking. How to write a 90 answer. Top reading and outlining techniques. How to master headlining, visualization, and fact retention strategies. What Bar Examiners expect from you. How your exam will be graded.