Would you like to dominate your table? Win like the top professionals do? Get advice from one of America’s best poker coaches?
Then this is the book for you.
Barry Tanenbaum, professional player and coach to many successful students reveals secrets he has been teaching privately for years. By reading this book you will learn to:
• Confuse opponents to maximise your profits. • Identify and dominate the weaker players. • Exploit your position. • Play your blinds for maximum effectiveness. • Attack from out of position. • Win without the best hand. • Use “card-independent†strategies. • Become a consistent winner.
Expert limit hold’em players go far beyond ABC poker to generate extra money. Barry explains what they do and why they do it. Many authors say,†it depends,†but Barry tells you exactly what it depends on – and what to do about it. You will learn to recognize profitable situations and how to play when they arise.
This is not a book for beginners...but if you already play and want to understand advanced plays that win extra money, this book will tell you how.