The Black Hills - a land of fragrant pines and vast blue skies, a sacred land inhabited by the buffalo, the bear, the hawk and the eagle. An untamed land where the Cheyenne still roamed free
Accustomed to the ways of the white man, Michael Wolf agreed to seek a vision to fulfill the dying wish of his Cheyenne grandfather. Through a twist in time, Michael found himself in the past, in the last golden days before the battle of the Little Big Horn. Here, in the land of the spotted eagle, he would find the woman of his dreams.
Elayna had been raised to fear the Indians who roamed the land, but all that changed when she was kidnapped by the Cheyenne warrior now known as Wolf. In time, her disdain would change to desire as love blossomed between them, and with it a growing fear that their time together was little more than a whisper in the wind....