Williams Yellow Pinball Flipper and Shaft. Williams/Bally reference #20-9250-6 - yellow. #20-9250-5 - white is also available. Used on the following games: Firepower, Blackout, Scorpion,Algar, Cyclops, Alien Poker, Black KnightJungle Lord, Pharoh, Black Knight Limited Edition, CycloneSolar Fire, Barracora, Thunderball, Cosmic Gunfight, Varkon, WarlokDefender, Time Fantasy, Joust, Firepower II, Laser CueSpace Shuttle, Sorcerer, Comet, High Speed, Grand LizardRoad Kings, PIN*BOT, Millionaire, F-14 Tomcat, Fire!Fire! Champagne Edition, Big Guns, Space Station, Banzai RunSwords of Fury, Taxi, Jokerz!, Truck Stop, Earthshaker, Black Kight 2000Transporter, Police Force, Bad Cat and Mousin' Aro.