The Christian, like his Lord, is €œnot of this world€ (John 17:16) because the world is €œevil€ (Gal. 1:4) and ruled by Satan (2 Cor. 4:4). The Christian is commanded not to love the world (1 John 2:15-17) nor be conformed to it (Rom. 12:1-2). Given that, Dr. Ruckman gives five basic reasons the Bible-believing Christian should resist the present push to join the mongrel mass of €œmonkey men€ who are now pressing into the Great Tribulation. The humanists who are pushing for everyone to eliminate all differences so as to bring in a €œnew age€ of peace, prosperity, etc., have no knowledge or understanding of human nature, history, liberty, the future, or eternal things. Those are the very reasons you should reject at sight anything and everything connected with their agenda. (Print Length: 51 pages)