Eight-year-old Josie Banks is plagued with nightmares about murder, while her father, a forensic scientist, obsessively investigates bodies found in the damp earth of Michigan’s forests. Just after her psychic grandmother passes away from cancer, Josie discovers she has inherited her “gift.†As Josie and her father mourn the loss of an extraordinarily powerful figure in their lives, they both become tangled in a series of murders too close to home.
In Bisbing’s debut novel, interwoven within the fictitious plot, she reveals childhood memories of a life lived with a renowned forensic scientist. She takes you back in time to a Michigan with landlines, pet rocks, rust colored carpets, and before the advent of DNA testing. Bisbing’s love of the written word drew her to a career in freelance writing, book editing, and web content management. She also dabbles in photography — taking after her grandfather, who loved documenting America on Kodachrome. When she’s not behind a viewfinder or working with words, she’s hiking in the woods.