This second installment of what looks to be an ongoing series carries the usual selection of mellow mainstream on the first disc and a typically intriguing collection of lesser-known compositions on the second. The acoustic guitar alongside Nelly Furtado's voice on "Party (Reprise Mix)" is a wonderfully melancholic surprise on the first disc, while Goldfrapp deliver the smoky, Air-esque "Lovely Head." Purists will again find the second disc worth its weight, as Tosca's "Honey (Supatone 1 Dub)," the again excellent Witchman, with "Mekong," and Timo Maas's "Hash Driven" give the disc a nice, dub-driven spine. Extra credit is awarded for not only reviving the Specials' brilliant "Ghost Town," but for making it work as part of a chill-style compilation. If Chilled 01 was your cup of chai, then 02 will further serve both your needs and chillin' education. --Steffan Chirazi