Findhorn is a small community in Scotland situated on the North Sea at a latitude that puts it as far north as Juneau, Alaska. Hawken dropped in on the New Age Community which lives there, growing a garden that sounds like something out of a fairy tale: roses and hawthorn, eucalyptus and honeysuckle. Once upon a time, though not just when Hawken was visiting, they had 40-pound cabbages and 60-pound broccoli plants. It's a community we've heard of before (see William Irwin Thompson's Passages About Earth, 1974), the seat of a unique experiment in cooperation between Man, the Devas--they're ""archetypal beings"" that oversee the forms of each plant species--and the Nature Spirits, headed by Pan. Yes, he of the cloven hoofs and pipes. At Findhorn Peter and Eileen Caddy who started the place address the Landscape Angel and the Spinach Deva like old friends, getting very sensible advice on planting and hoeing and watering the plants--who respond to this intimacy and kindness by getting ever bigger in the sub-Arctic sand in order to support 130 souls who live there. Since its rocky beginnings, recounted in reverent detail by Hawken, the community is doing very well due to the wisdom and sanctity of its people who receive all their needs in accordance with the Law of Manifestation--ask and it shall appear. It requires a certain suspension of disbelief, which Hawken is willing to make, having noticed from the moment of his arrival that ""the Buzz and the Magic are as thick as pudding"" here. Merlin would be right at home along with all the other creatures of Celtic mythology.