Warm, witty, humorous, and profound beyond all expectation, this unforgettable story of a direct encounter with Divinity in modern times, with contemporary relevance, is unlike any other you will ever read. In a clear, loving style, this author lets God out of the box and invites us to a transpersonal experience of "Primary Reality" with a new enlightenment for the Twenty-first Century. God is Alive. Faith and science are complementary. If the old myths and medieval theology have lost meaning for you, and you seek a new paradigm, you will truly benefit from "The Way to a Greater Life." If you have had a "transpersonal experience," you will radiate with joy to have found one who understands and articulates it. This is a masterpiece of mysticism without trappings of religious dogma. It skillfully weaves the author's miraculous experience into a cosmic perspective relevant for us all. It is easy to conclude that by truly knowing oneself, one will inevitably awaken to his or her place in the universe. Most importantly we are inspired to think that perhaps the link we seek to better understanding of life is already within our own nature and being. If you have ever pondered existence, intuition, coincidence, energy, realities, unity, spirituality, clairvoyance, consciousness, enlightenment, quantum physics, personal development, transcendence, transformation, and happiness-wondering how they all fit together, this book is a must read.