The Vintage Wren is a serial novel released in several chapter episodes.
Cassie Wren. Legal assistant. Convenience queen. Thrifter extraordinaire. If there was a "green police" she'd be a fugitive from eco-friendly justice.
But when a friend's teasing feels like a challenge, Cassie accepts it. The result? One year. Twelve months. Fifty-two weeks. Three hundred sixty-five days--of green.
It seemed simple enough. Cut back on paper plates, plastic forks, and straws. Easy peasy. But when her competitive side wars against her desire for convenience, Cassie finds it's not so easy to be "eco-friendly" and "Cassie-friendly."
Week 2 Reducing paper... CHECK! Cassie's feelin' confident. Well, until she goes out and discovers that even restaurants use more paper than she'd expected. Add in an accidental purchase, a plastic purge that she's still struggling with,and a shopping trip that could only be cured by the universal soother--ice cream--and week two is off to a rocky start.
Thankfully, her blog, as much as she resists it, provides a bit of catharsis. She rants, vents, and shouts her triumphs for the world--or at least fifty of her closest friends--to read and celebrate with her.
Or will they?.
Cassie's second week--plastic. After a week of exchanging paper choices for plastic ones--for "just one more week", Cassie is onto her next diversions. After all, she doesn't have to give up metal or glass yet! But finding solutions that don't involve plastic prove harder than she ever imagined.
Don't worry. She's found the perfect, aesthetically-pleasing, and planet-saving plan for enjoying plastic bottles forever!
The Vintage Wren. A serial novel released in fifty-two episodes (for obvious reasons).