The Two Jays of Dribblepit series begins with a surprise meeting — and a friendship is forged that is based on much more than similar features — these two kids are more alike than they could ever imagine. Alone in his world of chaos and mayhem, Jem Bunkwith is stunned to find a soul mate in his new neighbor, Jeminee Hooskin. A shaggy dog, Shulfi, completes the bewitching trio — they communicate telepathically with the help of a flutle that only the psychic can hear — and disaster follows them wherever they go as they blunder through bizarre situations that require endless get-out-of-trouble solutions. Jeminee’s eleventh birthday party introduces three vicious bullies, Precious Patsy Pudding and her cohorts Davina Dangerfinger and Emily Emptibottom. The arrival of the new boy in town sends the bullies into attack but, equal to the task, he and Jeminee set about foiling the plot with the aid of flutle and Shulfi. A roller coaster ride through each of the eight books culminates in a disaster of cataclysmic proportions. Life in Dribblepit will change forever. What will the future hold?