The Tournament Trilogy follows the rise of the Tournament, a secretive, state-sponsored war game...and the stakes couldn't be higher. This collection contains the first three books in the series and is over 1000 pages of conspiracy, warfare, and murder! A Kindle Top 50 Bestseller!
Blue Fall (Book 1)
If you knew about the Tournament, you'd know why they want it kept secret. People don't like to hear that state-sponsored war games are going on under their noses, in their cities, and on their streets. The world isn't ready to know that the most powerful among us can shape the future by wagering on these fights. People wouldn't understand if they learned that teams in the Tournament have the freedom to do almost anything, anywhere, to win.
The Tournament was supposed to be the perfect game, and the perfect secret. Frank Youngsmith, a hapless insurance agent, was supposed to be a nobody, none the wiser. But sometimes things just don't work out like they're supposed to. When Frank stumbles into the dark world of the Tournament when the game is on, it's up to him to expose the secret...or die trying.
Grey Winter (Book 2)
Two players have been murdered. Two killers are on the loose. Nothing is what it seems.
The world is awake now. The Tournament has captivated everyone, but no winner can be declared until the mystery of what happened to Team Blue is solved. Meanwhile, three new players are chosen to rebuild the fallen team, but they are young and inexperienced, and instantly targeted. Their survival is dependent upon their existence remaining a secret. But in the Tournament, secrets are hard to keep.
New alliances are formed, old enemies are confronted, and the truth is finally revealed in Grey Winter.
Black Spring (Book 3)
The Black House gathers power and the remaining teams are divided. The Tournament will fall into the hands of Eddie Mazaryk and Team Black unless Ellie Willmore and Team Blue can stop them. But to stop Black, Ellie needs to pull off a miracle: unite sworn enemies to beat the best of the best.
The stakes have never been higher. The winners own the Tournament. The losers forfeit everything...even their lives.
Ties of friendship, love, and hate are put to the test under a hail of gunfire in Black Spring, the spectacular conclusion to The Tournament Trilogy.