Succeeders in business are by definition good leaders. And most of us lead something at some point - whether a company, a sports team, a family or an outing with friends. At the very least we lead ourselves, and psychologists tell us that creating things, or leading initiatives, is important for our mental health. So how do we do it? The heart of leadership can be summed up in a simple formula: Leadership = Vision x Inspiration x Momentum (or VIM). Strong leaders have the brain-power to paint an attractive picture of where the group/project/company should head, the interpersonal skills to inspire other people to join in and the navigational skills to sustain the required momentum. They need to apply these skills in two arenas: the strategic - dealing with specific projects; and the cultural - relating to the broader values and style of the organization. "The Tools of Leadership" shows you how to achieve these goals using simple tools, tips and techniques that really work. This easily digestible format can be read quickly by busy people without losing out on substance.