Confusion abounds concerning the nature of the unseen spiritual worlds of men an angels. Biblical terms such as Hades, Abaddon, the abyss and others are often considered interchangeable by well-intended students of God's Word. In some cases, the message of the text is no worse for the wear. In others, flagrant apostasy has developed because of a poorly interpreted text.
The Spirit World is a biblical study of the differentiations between numerous spiritual abodes of man and angelic beings. At a time past, man died he went to neither Heaven nor Hell, but rather to a place of temporary containment. The lake of fire remains empty today, but will be populated at the end of history. Demonic angels find themselves incarcerated in spiritual containers for particularly evil deeds. The Bible reveals a fascinating account concerning the journey of the spirits of created beings; one which is essential theological knowledge for rightly handling the doctrines of God's word.