Matt. 6:33 but that understanding will rapidly increase because Truth will be more and more revealed. It will be well to make farther preparation for the day by reading verses grouped under the various titles which bear upon our needs, selecting a command to obey and a promise upon which to lean. If we desire the Truth, we will find it here the Truth which is the remedy for every inharmonious condition. We may not see why, perhaps we cannot, we comprehend so little of spiritual matters; and as practically all of the operations of existence are upon the spiritual plane, it is not wise to refuse to receive assistance because we cannot understand how, nor why it comes. A child may not know why 4x4 is l6, but he learns the fact and uses it, he understands later. We are commanded to become as little children. (Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.)
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