Across the globe, the number of kids and adults discovering a passion for hockey goaltending is on the rise. Grassroots training programs are also sprouting up in more regions and reaching more demographics than ever before. From Asia to Las Vegas, sticks are being taped and skates are getting laced for the very first time. As a result, the goaltending position has reached a point where it is more popular and prominent than ever before. The biggest downfall? Goaltending is expensive and may seem complicated, confusing, and sometimes even intimidating to newcomers. The gear, the training, and the terminology is arguably the most unique in all of sports, which shuts out a large percentage of the population that show an interest in stopping pucks. Therefore, it is our duty as educators, coaches, and parents to provide today's enthusiastic hockey fan with affordable and accessible learning tools to help raise more awareness and interest in the position. With this duty in mind, we're proud to present the Periodic Table of Goaltending Elements book project. Made in the image and likeness of the scientific periodic table of elements, we've identified and defined 131 of the most commonly-used terms for goaltending performance. From Angles to Weight Transfers, everything you need to speak the goaltending language and understand the techniques and tactics of the position is presented in an easy-to-read manner for people of all ages. But the book project doesn't stop there! The authors also designed a full-color poster and a set of flash cards for additional learning opportunities, making the book a multi-functional tool that has a wide variety of uses. Those can be purchased on The Goalie Guild website and can be combined with this book to create an enjoyable learning experience that can be shared with friends, other goalies, parents, and coaches.