Join world-renowned undersea explorer Dr. Robert D. Ballard for an extraordinary adventure to the final resting places of legendary ocean liners and ghostly warships. In 1985 Ballard discovered the most famous ship of all, the Titanic, and since then he's explored her sister ship Britannic, the Lusitania, the Andrea Doria, and Hitler's most famous battleship, the Bismarck. In this comprehensive volume, Ballard gives a guided tour of these ships and others, retelling their harrowing stories, and revealing the sunken secrets locked inside their ghostly wrecks. High-tech underwater photography, archival photos, illustrations and memorabilia recall the splendor of these magnificent vessels, thought at one time to be 'unsinkable.' There is also an exploration of the Pacific's greatest battlefield—Iron Bottom Sound—and the lost ships of Guadalcanal.