(From the Publisher's Message) Looking for the latest and greatest methods or ideas in continuous improvement? Google “Lean,†“Lean production,†“continuous improvement methodologies,†“Six Sigma methods,†or “Lean Sigma†etc. and you will have pages and pages of links to solutions and promises to improve your productivity from a wide variety of educational institutions, non-profi t and industry organizations, and consultants offering their services. Or, maybe you just want to fi nd resources available that will enhance your current program.
In either situation, this can be overwhelming. “Continuous improvement methodologies,†“Lean production,†“Six Sigma methods,†or “Lean Sigma†etc. boils down to a simple process of identifying and eliminating waste through Total Employee Involvement (TEI).
We would like to thank the authors of the numerous outstanding books that have already been written on this topic of Lean Six Sigma. Even though the Lean Six Sigma tools and the structured methodology discussed in this book are similar, we believe the focus on simple definitions, step-by-step procedures or guidelines, and digital photos and examples for each tool or concept makes this book unique from the others. This should assist any type organization, from manufacturing to healthcare to fi nancial services, etc. in the proper selection and use or application of over 50 Lean Six Sigma tools.
The premise of The Lean Six Sigma Pocket Guide XL is that most potential “improvement ideas†within an organization are closer than they appear.
Many of these improvement “ideas†are already in your employee’s thoughts - they just may need a little assistance in getting from “there†to actionable activities. The Lean Six Sigma Pocket Guide XL is meant to provide that “assistance†through the standard format provided.
The Lean Six Sigma Pocket Guide XL’s format is similar to the premise of a popular TV show from the 1970s called Dragnet. One of Dragnet’s main characters was Sgt. Joe Friday, who insistently asked female informants to provide “just the facts ma’am†in an investigation of a crime. To follow on with that theme, this book is meant to provide you with “just the facts.â€
Therefore, we are presenting the Lean and Sigma tools within the Six Sigma methodology to better engage employees at all levels of the organization in getting those “ideas†into improved, more productive work processes.
It has to be acknowledged that there are projects that require a sophisticated problem solving and quantitative analysis approach; however, nearly 80% of the issues and problems from these authors’ experiences can be solved with the tools and methodology portrayed in this book. We have, over the years, published many books specifi c to industries and at the end of the day, the Lean or Six Sigma tools and principles and how they are implemented, and in what type of environment or industry, are very similar. 5S is 5S, whether applying it to create better tooling access for an operator during a machine setup, or to better organize a paper-based or electronic fi ling system for customer orders, emails, fi les, etc.
The Lean Six Sigma Pocket Guide XL is meant for the front-line employee and their supervisor as a quick-reference guide when working on a team-based continuous improvement project or individually implementing an improvement (i.e., Today’s Lean! - Jiffy Kaizen book) initiative. The Lean Six Sigma Pocket Guide XL is meant for all levels of employees to gain a working knowledge of the Lean tools within the Six Sigma structure (and its quantitative analysis tools) - bringing the best of both worlds together!