Hello and Welcome to the art of acting! The Keys to Acting is a workbook about the art of acting. It is intended for those students with very little experience in this field or none at all. It is designed for the neophyte student who wants to explore the alluring and mysterious world of the actor. Yet, one of the first things you will learn in turning these pages is that for quite some time now you have already been acting in the most majestic and compelling pageant known to mankind - life. In fact, you have already set foot on the largest of all stages and played a multitude of parts in the spectacle known as the world we live in. This book will lay bare for you the mystery of arguably the oldest art form. As long as mankind has been in existence there have been actors. For as long as there has been storytelling, someone was needed to actually recount the story. Storytelling is what acting is all about. Actors play different roles to portray a story. Therefore actors are storytellers. To do so successfully actors must shed the social masks they wear in their personal lives, and they must play with the unbridled enthusiasm and imagination of children. ACTING IS DOING You can learn about acting from a book. You cannot, however, learn how to act from a book. This is an important distinction. That said, what this workbook can do is shed light on and flesh out the experiences you have in the classroom. It will also provide context, definition, and history, and serve as a reference and journal for your own work and growth as an actor/artist/human being. The objective of this workbook is to help increase your awareness of the art of acting, the theatre and the world around you by supplementing your in-class experience with context, vocabulary and background. It is the hope of your teacher and myself that you will come to love acting as we have. Welcome to the world of professional human beings...Welcome to the art of acting! View Testimonials and Thank You Message from Students at Asian University for Women